Xylem Vascular Tissue

Concept Explanation

Xylem Vascular Tissue

Transport of Water and Minerals: Xylem tissue transports water and minerals. It consists of interconnected vessels and tracheids organized into continous conducting tubes stretching from the roots to the leaves. Plants absorb water from the soil through the root and transport it to the stem, leaves and flowers. Roots have hairs that are in contact with thin layer of water surrounding the soil particles.

  • Water is absorbed by osmosis, while the minerals (such as nitrates, chlorides, sulphates, phosphates) are absorbed as ions by active transport. The ions then move upward through the xylem, to the leaves and other aerial parts of the plant. The pressure with which water is pushed into the xylem tubes of the root is called ‘root pressure’. The water moving upwards forms a column, which is maintained up to a certain height due to root pressure.
  • Xylem is a complex permanent  tissue also known as wood.It is made up of more than one type of cells. It is consist of of four type of cells : xylem vessels, xylem tracheids, xylem parenchyma and xylem fibre 
  • Absorption of water: Absorption of water takes place by two methods:

  • Passive mechanism : It is the process of diffusion of ions or molecules along the concentration gradient i.e. from region of higher concentration to lower concentration.
  • Active mechanism : it is the process of absorption of mineral ions against the concentration gradient. This type of movement occurs with the help of energy,supplied by ATP.
  • Absorption of water takes place with the help of roots .Roots have root hairs that are unicellular, thin walled outgrowths of epiblema (skin of root). Root hairs increases the surface area which helps in maximum absorption of water.

    Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Which of the following are correct ?

    (a) Xylem is a complex permanent tissue also known as wood.It is made up of more than one type of cells.

    (b) Roots have hairs that are in contact with thin layer of water surrounding the soil particles.

    (c) The water moving upwards forms a column, which is maintained up to a certain height due to root pressure.

    Right Option : D
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    Question : 2

    Which of the following are correct ?

    (a) In plants water is absorbed by osmosis, while the minerals (such as nitrates, chlorides, sulphates, phosphates) are absorbed as ions by active transport.

    (b) Xylem are four type of cells : xylem vessels, xylem tracheids, xylem parenchyma and xylem fiber .

    (c) Root hairs decrease the surface area which helps in maximum absorption of mineral .

    Right Option : B
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    Question : 3

    Which of the following are correct ?

    (a) Xylem consist of of four type of cells : xylem vessels, xylem tracheids, xylem parenchyma and xylem fibre

    (b) Xylem is a simple permanent  tissue also known as wood.

    Right Option : A
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